Lastly, an option can be to use the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) and copy the json to root@”ip-cobot”/programs/patterns.
Pally Show Mode Kit: Pally Show Mode
Q: What is the Pally Show Mode Kit?
A: The Show mode program is a built-in function of the official Pally URCap (release 2.12 and above). To access it, you will require a DEMO or Trial license. If you already have one of these licenses, under “Installation-URCaps-Pally-Advanced-Other”, select “Show mode” in the Operation Mode drop-down menu. The Show mode program was made to show the different functionalities of Pally. It will depalletize from one pallet, drop the boxes off on the conveyor/drop-off position and then palletize them on the other pallet.
Q: How do we make the Pally Show Mode work?
A: For the Show mode program to work, the following is required;
two pallets
a conveyor or gravity slider (recommended)
one of the two following sensor options:
Two sensors, one for confirming drop off and one for pick up (recommended)
One sensor alternating between signals; “High” for box presence on the conveyor (palletizing) and “Low” for conveyor empty (depalletizing)
Q: How do we set up the Pally Show Mode Kit?
A: Find a detailed description here: https://rocketfarm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PB/pages/1424785463/Pally+Show+Mode#Setup%3A
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