edgeAlignment: if true, the box edges will be aligned to the gripper zone edges, otherwise the gripper zone(s) will be centered above the box center
coveragePercent: defines how many percents of the vacuum zone (bounding rectangle) area must be covered in order to use a specific zone
tcp: the tool center point (TCP) of the gripper as [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]
id: unique identifier (number) of the vacuum area, starting from 1
x, y: center point of the bounding rectangle relative to the gripper center
width, length: size of the bounding rectangle
grip: digital IO signal that controls the vacuum
type: standard, configurable, tool (robot IO type)
channel: the digital output channel (0-1 for tool 0-7 otherwise)
inverse: optional, true if high level signal means no vacuum
release: digital signal that controls the compressed air blow (optional)
type: standard, configurable, tool (robot IO type)
channel: the digital output channel (0-1 for tool 0-7 otherwise)
inverse: optional, true if high level signal means no blow
configurations: list of valid combinations of vacuum areas that can be used together