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In order to have this functionality working, the position and the dimensions of the bounding rectangle should be defined for each vacuum zone as well as the digital output channels that control the vacuum valves and optionally the compressed air used at release.


See complete example further down

The file structure:

name: name of the gripper


tcp: the tool center point (TCP) of the gripper as [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz] where x, y, z are given in mm, rx, ry, ry in degrees., measured relative to the robot tool flange*

cog: the center of gravity (COG) of the empty gripper as [x, y, z] where x, y, z are in mm, measured relative to the robot tool flange*

zones: definition of each individually controllable vacuum area

  • id: unique identifier (number) of the vacuum area, starting from 1

  • x, y: center point of the bounding rectangle of the zone, relative to the gripper center** (mm)

  • width, length: size of the bounding rectangle of the zone (mm)

  • grip: digital IO signal that controls the vacuum

    • type: standard, configurable, tool (robot IO type)

    • channel: the digital output channel (0-1 for tool 0-7 otherwise)

    • inverse: optional, true if high level signal means no vacuum

  • release: digital signal that controls the compressed air blow (optional)

    • type: standard, configurable, tool (robot IO type)

    • channel: the digital output channel (0-1 for tool 0-7 otherwise)

    • inverse: optional, true if high level signal means no blow

configurations: list of valid combinations of vacuum areas that can be used together 


*Please note: tcp and cog should be defined relative to the robot tool flange. i.e. exactly as you would enter the values in Polyscope.


**Please note: vacuum zone positions should be defined relative to the gripper center


Lengths are specified in millimeters, weight in kilograms, rotation in degrees.


Currently we do not support the vacuum lost signal in gripper.json.
