Versions Compared


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The rePally URCap is a repalletizer edition of the Pally URCap. For a more detailed description, see the Pally URCap User Manual.

This document describes only the differences between Pally and rePally.


The rePally URCap requires its own license. The file name has the following format: no.rocketfarm.urcap.repalletizer.RobotSerialNo.license


When installing Pally and rePally on the same robot, make sure the Daemon Port Number settings for the pallet manager daemon are different. The daemon processes will fail to start if the port numbers are identical.

It is technically possible to install different versions of Pally and rePally on the same robot, however, some unknown compatibility issues may occur.


The calibration process is similar to Pally. However, there are some differences to be considered.


When calibrating the pick position, : make sure that the gripper foam is slightly pressed against the box surface.

When calibrating the drop position, : make sure that the boxes will not collide with the conveyor. Leave a small gap between the gripper foam and the box surface during calibration.


The following table shows the main differences in the Pally-rePally terminology.





Primary pickup position

Pick position

Secondary pickup position

Drop position

Empty pallet confirmation

New pallet confirmation

Full pallet warning

Complete pallet warning


Callbacks are fully supported by rePally. When using a custom path, however, there is a slight difference to be considered.



This is for developers only.

Sample script to convert Pally.urp:

cat 7632Pally.dual.UR.urp | gunzip | sed 's/installation=\"/installation=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/installationRelativePath=\"/installationRelativePath=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/\"Pally\"/\"rePally\"/g' | sed 's/\.palletmanager\.Palletizer/\.repalletizer\.Repalletizer/g' | sed 's/\.palletmanager\.UserCallback/\.repalletizer\.UserCallback/g' | gzip > rePally.7632.dual.UR.urpurp

Sample script to convert default.installation:

cat default.dual.installation | gunzip | sed 's/fileName=\"/fileName=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/\"Pally\"/\"rePally\"/g' | sed 's/palletmanager/repalletizer/g' | sed 's/PalletManager/Repalletizer/g' |  gzip > rePally.default.dual.installationinstallation

Please note: replace the file names in the scripts to your own file names accordingly.