When logged in you’ll get access to additional options related to detailed settings for you pallet.
Label orientation
Set you preferred label orientation here.
Multi Grip
PALLY is made to optimize the number of boxes picked in one lift. Set the maximum possible boxes your gripper can handle in one pick, and PALLY will pick the amount of boxes needed in ech grip to optimize the total palleitzing time.
Click here to learn more about how you can optimize the palletizing and speed up the pallet time, or here to read more about multi grip!
Shim paper height
Shim papers can vary in size. Therefore, you are able to choose this manually. Enter the height of the paper in mm.
Left pallet layout
Do you have two pallets? If yes, how should your second pallet be palletized? In this feature you can choose which stacking you prefer for the left pallet.