The rePally URCap is a repalletizer edition of the Pally URCap. For a more detailed description, see the Pally URCap User Manual.
This document describes only the differences between Pally and rePally.
The rePally URCap requires its own license. The file name has the following format: no.rocketfarm.urcap.repalletizer.RobotSerialNo.license
Test licenses have the following name: no.rocketfarm.urcap.repalletizer.license
Both Pally and rePally can be installed on the same robot simultaneously. In this case two separate license files are required.
When installing Pally and rePally on the same robot, make sure the Daemon Port Number settings for the pallet manager daemon are different. The daemon processes will fail to start if the port numbers are identical.
The calibration process is similar to Pally. However, there are some differences to be considered.
Sensor placement and logic
When using sensors on the conveyor, inverse logic might be required for the drop position. This means the program can proceed with dropping when there are no other boxes in that position. Make sure to select the 'inverse' checkbox next to the IO signals where needed.
Be careful when mounting the sensors on the conveyor. The drop signal sensor should be placed in a position where it can indicate there is enough room for dropping the box.
Calibration points
When calibrating the pick position, make sure that the gripper foam is slightly pressed against the box surface.
When calibrating the drop position, make sure that the boxes will not collide with the conveyor. Leave a small gap between the gripper foam and the box surface during calibration.
The rePally URCap has a built-in force-controlled motion when picking boxes from the pallet. The robot moves above the box pick point and then vertically down until a specific force is detected. It is therefore recommended to calibrate the pallet positions with respect to this extra motion, i.e. leave a small gap between the gripper foam and the box surface during calibration.
Convert Pally program to rePally program
Converting an existing Pally calibration to rePally is easy; just follow the steps below:
create a new rePally program node
move the robot to each Pally calibration point by pressing 'Move here', then
select the corresponding calibration point in rePally and press 'Set point'
make sure to leave a small gap between the gripper foam and the box surface for each calibration point as described earlier
deactivate or remove the old Pally program node when finished.
Functional differences
The rePally URCap can depalletize from one pallet position to a specific drop position, and palletize from a specific pick position to the other pallet position. No other operation modes are currently supported.
Note: The program automatically determines the pallet position to be depalletized and palletized by measuring the distances from each pallet to the pick and drop position. Place your conveyor with respect to the palletizing and depalletizing position.
The left and right pattern and pallet size can be different:
The drop and pick sequences are not directly synchonized, and only controlled by the sensors at the drop and pick position. This makes it possible to add any kind of extra machinery between the drop and pick positions:
The operator has to confirm when a new pallet is available on the left or right position. The program starts using the specified pallet only after operator confirmation.
The following table shows the main differences in the Pally-rePally terminology.
Pally | rePally |
Palletizing | Repalletizing |
Primary pickup position | Pick position |
Secondary pickup position | Drop position |
Empty pallet confirmation | New pallet confirmation |
Full pallet warning | Complete pallet warning |
Callbacks are fully supported by rePally. When using a custom path, however, there is a slight difference to be considered.
onNextTask: called before the calculations of the next box start. Set MovePerformed=True to be able to use custom movement towards the pick position on the pallet.
beforeGrab: called when the robot is about to pick a box from the pallet. Use custom motion to the pick position if needed.
afterGrab: called when the robot is holding a box. Use custom motion to the drop position (conveyor) if needed.
afterRelease: called when the robot has dropped the box on the conveyor. Use custom motion back to the waiting position if needed.
Other limitations
Currently there are no other known limitations.
Convert Pally program do rePally with script
This is for developers only.
cat 7632.dual.UR.urp | gunzip | sed 's/installation=\"/installation=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/installationRelativePath=\"/installationRelativePath=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/\"Pally\"/\"rePally\"/g' | sed 's/\.palletmanager\.Palletizer/\.repalletizer\.Repalletizer/g' | sed 's/\.palletmanager\.UserCallback/\.repalletizer\.UserCallback/g' | gzip > rePally.7632.dual.UR.urp
cat default.dual.installation | gunzip | sed 's/fileName=\"/fileName=\"rePally./g' | sed 's/\"Pally\"/\"rePally\"/g' | sed 's/palletmanager/repalletizer/g' | sed 's/PalletManager/Repalletizer/g' | gzip > rePally.default.dual.installation