Fill in the name of the Customer
Fill in the address of the Customer
Select Country for the Customer
Press Find to search for your customers logo or Upload your customers logo if you have stored it locally on your computer
Customer name and Country is mandatory fields when creating a company. Other fields can be added on a later stage after you have created the customer |
After you save a new customer you are now ready to set up a project for the customer.
As an integrator, it is normal to have multiple customers and each customer has a different need for solutions in terms of the setup components. Therefore, the platform offers each system integrator to create several customers.
Start to create a new customer by clicking “+ Create” on customer-box from the dashboard.
Name the organization/customer and click “Make organization”
If you scroll down after creating a new costumer, you will now see the list of organizations and the newly added organization within this list. On this page you can continue the flow process by clicking “Continue to organization”