Here are some guidelines and tips for creating compelling stories that manufacturers and end customers can relate to.

Why are case stories great:

Case stories are highly relatable to end customers and manufacturers. They show that your solution works at similar companies and prove they are not risking their business by entering robotics. Uncertainty about how an automation solution will work is a major barrier for end customers considering robotics. Case stories help to break that barrier.

The goal:

The objective for you should not be to craft a professional case study, as it is unnecessary.

We recommend that your goal is to create a trustworthy story with as little effort as possible. I hope the following tips can help you to reach that goal.

What do you need?

That’s all you need to get started!

The story:

Inspiration for how you can put an effective angle on the story:

The stories don’t need to be long and windy. Short and precise is better. 300–500 words should generally be good for the story, but any length is good as long as it’s relevant.

Include a quote from the end customer and a quote from yourself (including a photo). (Your quote should support the story)


Align with the end-user during the sales process if you can take photos and videos and use their case in your marketing (it is well worth it, even if they want a discount).

Don’t be afraid to write end-customer quotes that support the story you want to tell. Just be sure to get their approval beforehand. Usually, they’ll agree.

Rocketfarm help

If you have permission to use the content (the pictures and quotes), we will happily help you finalize your case story. We can help with a thorough review, finding the right angle to the story, or help with the actual writing. If this is something you think we can help you with, our only ask is that we also get to publish the story on our webpage and share it through our various socials.

Please reach out directly to if you would like our help with a potential case story.