A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. We wanted to take our simulations a step further. In a lot of cases, there’s no easy way to test the feasibility of a palletizing project in real life. It could be that you don’t have the right robot, you’re missing the necessary gripper, and so on. In addition, the global pandemic made it harder for our partners to visit possible customers in their facilities. This is a headache we knew a lot of our partners had. We figured that a solution to the problem should be digital. That’s where the idea of a highly-accurate simulation tool was born. The result was launched in spring 2021. By adding all specifications with regard to box, pallet and pattern data in our Pally Pallet Builder, we are able to assess if a project is feasible and how it will look in the real-world. Our simulations run on exactly the same software, the same Polyscope version, and the same Pally version as the actual UR robot. This makes it as good as real life! The accuracy and design makes the simulation tool highly trustworthy, resulting in some customers buying solutions solely based on the simulation video we made for them.
Industry 4.0 has transformed the way we work by reducing costs, increasing digitalisation and improving efficiency. At the same time, the platform revolution are currently shaping the way we sell by making middlemen redundant. These macro trends are currently driving the development of industries, transforming companies in orderly fashion. Common for these trends are that they increase the tempo, making competition more intense and the lack of development more costly for laggards. In these circumstances companies have to navigate, make decisions and develop rapidly. This is the reason we developed our Digital Twin-based simulation tool. Meant to help customers navigate, our Digital Twin strengthens the appeal of cobots through increased trust, reduced decision time and provision of accurate data. We mainly aim to support companies in the Food & Beverage, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Products to make well informed and rapid decisions in order to get the most of their investments.
We charge you nothing for our simulations. The only thing you have to do is click the button "Request simulation" in our PALLY Pallet Builder, and we will send you a simulation video of your project within 1-3 business days.
Simlulation vs real_master.mp4