We offer two free e-books with valuable information on cobot palletizing solutions. We have compiled some of our knowledge from several years of working with automating palletizing.
If you’re exploring the possibilities of automation, our e-books are a must-read.
Learn about three different but successful Pally solutions |
Get exclusive insight into how three SMEs automated their palletizing to great satisfaction. As a result, this positively impacted production and their employees.
Palletizing with Pally and UR20 – Can it solve your needs? |
In our opinion, UR20 is the perfect cobot for palletizing. But can it help you? And do you have questions about whether it will be the right fit for you? In this e-book, you’ll discover the power of UR20.
Rocketfarm products for Manufacturers and other stakeholders |
If your customers are looking to learn more about Rocketfarms products, this ebook with information will help.