Release Strategy
After placing the box on the pallet, you have the option to remove or add waypoints with the release strategy variable.
Code to add in the Callbacks
rf_release_stratagy = “Binary Number”
← Robot movement after placement of the box: (Default Bit=7):
Vertical exit point → Extra waypoint → Smart Exit → Above pickup -->Pickup position
→ Robot movement to place the box on a pallet:
Pickup position → Box free height → Smart Exit → Extra waypoint (max 3) → Approach Position → Target Position
Binary Number | Description |
1 | Removes box free height waypoint |
2 | Removes target position waypoint |
4 | Add vertical exit after box placement waypoint |
8 | Removes approach waypoint |
16 | Removes everything after Smart Exit waypoint |
Pally has a default rf_release_strategy=7
That will include
Removes box free height (1)
Remove target position (2)
Add vertical exit (4)
Add the numbers together to use several of the option
Recommended for regular grippers: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7
Recommended for side grippers: 1 + 2 + 8 = 11
Recommended for many custom projects: 16, or 1 + 16 = 17
Release strategy 7 added for the hole program
Release strategy 7 added for after specific box