What exactly is MyRobot.cloud? Well, it is a Palletizing Robot Management System where hardware compatibility and limitations can be tested en massecloud based management tool where you can store your different customers and their individual hardware, products, patterns and simulations. Hardware compatibility and other issues can also be tested at a large scale with digital twin simulations.
Testing is done with digital twin simulations, which means that are the robot is an exact digital copy of it’s physical self. In fact, our Pally software cannot even tell the difference between the physical and digital version. The best part is, you can run many different configurations at a time, and have your results within the hour. This makes MyRobot.cloud a powerful sales tool, streamlining your sales process and ensuring that your customer can make a qualified purchase decision.
Lastly, MyRobot.cloud also has a little brother, the Fast Track. The Fast track is a quick and simple flow that end customers can use for free, but without the option to select preferred hardware. To receive their simulations, they will have to register e-mail and country. The leads generated from this will be sent to you, our partnerthe partnered solution provider of the customers selected region.