Commercial Knowledge Base

About Us

We have worked with cobots since 2012 and have since gained experience in a wide range of cobot applications in Industry 4.0. At Rocketfarm we focus on developing our own UR+ certified software to unleash the potential for cobots. We also advice, consult and develop specialised URCaps for small and large companies all over the world.

Benefits of Pally

Digital Twin: We have developed a Digital Twin that allows upfront verification of your palletizing projects with the help of simulation. The simulation result can be expected within a workday. Read more about our Digital Twin here.
Flexible: Switch between patterns without downtime and without reprogramming the software. Easily add new products in the future. The robot can change from one pattern to another without any downtime, which is a highly relevant feature if you want to palletize multiple products at the same line.

Safe: With the most advanced multipick possibilities on the market, a Pally solution will be able to lower robot moving speed and thereby increase safety, while still reaching your requirements. This also enhances the longevity of the robot.

Affordable: By being able to choose the best suited hardware and the ease-of-use your ROI will be very short and in most cases less than 1 year. Even shorter if you run several shifts.

User Friendly: With minimal training our goal is that anyone should be able to operate a UR robot with our software Pally.

Reliable: Our palletizing solution requires minimal maintenance. Pally gives the robot smoother movements which over time could increase the lifespan of the robot.

Quick Installation: Most projects are up and running after just one day!

Precise: Place boxes down to the millimetre.

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