A: There are 2 entry points for the beforeZone callback. One is after restarting the stopped program and clicking on "Continue existing pallet". The other is when the pallet completion state changes so that the robot starts with a new zone - which is by default also a new layer. One zone may contain several layers, especially when the product height is smaller than 20% of the lifting column max.
Q: What
are the benefits of having a lifting column?
A: A lifting column can be essential for palletizing projects.
A UR10 will only be able to palletize pallets up to approximately 1,5 meters without a lifting column.
By using a lifting column with a stroke of 900mm a UR10 can easily palletize patterns up to 2,3 meters.
Even if a palletizing installation originally is set up for pallets lower than 1,5 meters, by including a lifting column the palletizing solution becomes futureproof, and makes it easy to use with new products and pallets in the future with no need for additional hardware.
A lifting column helps to reduce wear of the robot. By placing the base at ideal height we enable the robot to move as smoothly as possible by utilizing all joints and creating smooth movements in all joints.For UR20 the same principles apply, but of course the range for that robot is bigger, so the pallets must be above approximately 2,2 meters before a UR20 needs a lifting column to be able to palletize all positions.
But the wear part is valid for UR20 as well as for the UR10.