Our vision for the support portal is that it should work as a low friction portal for asking all the question you need answered, and at the same time have all you request sorted and organized.

Have all your request organized

Sign in for an account. This is free and take about 2 minutes. It is also possible to stay anonymous, but at the cost of not having your requests stored.

Follow these steps to create an account in the Pally Support Portal


Step 1: Follow the link above and press Log in

Step 2:  Sign up and follow the instruction

 Step 3: Start using the Support Portal with the best experience



After sending in a question in the Portal, you could still use your email

After sending in a question in the Portal, you could still use your email


Use this email address to send support request from the email: pally.urcap.support@rocketfarm.atlassian.net

Use this email address to send support request from the email: pally.urcap.support@rocketfarm.atlassian.net
