Software Configuration

A software configuration created at the sales organization will be available and visible for all customer organizations.

We recommend creating project defined configurations at customer organization. Then the configuration will only be available for that particular customer and not all of the customer. This will help you to keep the list more relevant at each customer organization.

This a where you can set up your own defined software configuration specially designed for you project.

This will enable you to test different settings and how it will affect your palletizing project.

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Start by giving your software configuration and suitable name

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Software versions - Choose your Polyscope and Pally version. If you set them to latest, MRC will always use the latest version even if there are updates after you created the SW configuration.

Here you can also choose older versions if that is relevant to your simulation.

Robot safety settings - here you set the robot safety settings. They will ovveride Pally speed settings, so you can not set Pally speed settings higher than the robot safety settings.

After setting the Robot safety settings you can see the max speed and acceleration. In the Pally speed settings you can only limit these setting lower than the safety settings.

Setting them higher will have no effect since the Robot safety settings will overide your Pally speed settings.

Gripper settings - this enables to gripper to pick in different angles in pickup position. Pally will calculate what pickup angle is most efficient.

4-way enables the gripper to pick from the front, the back, left and right.

2-way enable the gripper to pick fomr either the front or the back

None forces the gripper to only pick from the front

Advanced Pally Settings - this opens up a meny with a list of new settings you can choose.

Smart acceleration, High appoach boost, Approach distance, Fixed approach, Above pick position and Box free height. All these options has a question mark where you can find relevant information the what the particular setting controls.

Palletize single pallet allows you to limit the simulation to only palletize the left pallet. Usefull if you have a pattren with a lot of boxes and you weant to limit the time it takes to create a complewte simulation.

Smart exits - This enables you to set your own smart exit values relevant to your project.

If you want to read more about smart exit values and coordinate system related to them, you can read this article from the Pally knowledge base

Smart exit - Pally knowledge base