MyRobot.cloud Fast Track Partner Edition

MyRobot.cloud Fast Track Partner Edition

With the MyRobot.cloud Fast Track Partner Edition, you have a lead generating tool accessible on your own website. You get a link provided from us to integrate on your website, in which potential customers can easily run simulations using your solution. 

Within one hour, the customer will receive a detailed digital simulation of your solution, alongside your contact information. This enables your customers to quickly test and determine feasibility through the 3–step wizard – directly from your website, palletizing with your specific solution. 


How does this benefit your business? 

Proof of concept

Proof of concept is essential in the sales process. We’re now offering you a one-of-a-kind tool. It is both visual and includes all essential information, for you to win the customer. The Fast Track Partner Edition is easily accessible through a direct link, for upfront validation in customer interaction.


Boost sales

You shouldn't rely solely on word-of-mouth for leads. This tool will be accessible directly on your website, and it will generate leads for you – without any effort.


Better sales conversations

The Fast Track Partner Edition is the only Digital Twin based lead qualification for palletizing today. The tool will help you to have better sales conversations with potential customers.


The fastest delivery on the market

The tool allows you to deliver quotes and validation faster than any other competitor on the market. A complete project report and digital twin simulation of the palletizing sequence is delivered directly to your customers inbox, within 1 hour. All based on the customers product specifications.


It has never been easier to deliver a quote for a solution that will solve your customers palletizing automation needs!


You don’t have a MyRobot.cloud Fast Track Partner Edition on your website? Contact your Account Executive for more information!