
Why should companies invest in cobots? The answer is simple; they are ticking all the relevant boxes for a sustainable development of the production facilities. Investments in advanced manufacturing technology are often measured by ROI and how well they supplement existing and future technology portfolios at the manufacturing site. By being highly flexible, having a low footprint as well as enabling hyper-connectivity the cobots are a stand out option for companies who want to reap the economic benefits of Industry 4.0-technology.

On the other hand, the social benefits can be seen through eliminating the dull, dirty and dangerous tasks related to traditional manufacturing operations. Cobots, or collaborative robots, are built for collaboration with humans. Even though technology has come a far way, humans still have abilities hard for a machine to replicate sufficiently. Facilitating machine-human-interaction allows companies to capture the benefits from both, resulting in positive synergistic effects and better workflows.

Another relevant element is the environmental aspect. Compared to traditional manufacturing robots, the cobots are highly energy-efficient, meaning they are a good alternative for companies who want to make positive environmental contributions. On the other hand, the low footprint in combination with the energy-efficient operation, allows manufacturing companies to increase their efficiency by freeing up space on the factory floor and stacking in more machines.