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Here, you will find all the information you need for a successful Pally URcap installation.



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Explore Pally Case Stories


A wish to take care of its employees was the driving force that made a small brewery invest in a new worker to do the heavy lifting: a palletizing robot.


Bob’s Red Mill, a globally recognized producer of nutritious grains and food items, has modernized its palletizing process using advanced cobot technology, meeting its production line’s speed, safety, and efficiency requirements.


Meet PAL.co , the palletizing cobot brought to life through a collaboration between Rocketfarm and System Integrator Stimba.


Explore Insight Articles

Palletizing with UR30

They say only fools do the same things twice and expect different results. If so, Universal Robots may be fools in releasing UR30 using the same HW as UR20. But so am I.

The UR30 is simply another great contribution to the “palletizing class” of cobots from UR.


Everything you need to know about Universal Robots' UR20 cobot – the collaborative robot ready to handle a high payload and be as flexible as any other cobot.

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