Pallet Builder

The Pallet Builder is our website for creating palletizing patterns. You can create a limitless variety of pallet setups with your desired layout by utilising the option to make custom patterns, every single box can also be edited by itself.


Nevertheless, you also have the option to select from multiple pre-generated pattern types, designed to fully utilize the pallet-stacks. A pattern can be created in three quick steps:


  1. Select your box dimensions.

  2. Select pallet type and number of layers.

  3. Select your preferred pre-generated pattern.


The pallet builder allows for someone with no programming experience to make a new program for the robot within minutes and upload this to the robot, saving a lot of time and resources!


At the end, the user can also request a free project validation through our Digital Twin Simulation-tool.. Then we will provide you with an upfront verification of the project.