How to set up USB disk in URsim

How to set up USB disk in URsim

This article describes how you can simulate a USB disk through a simple shared folder in URSim.


Step 1: Create a shared folder in VirtualBox.

Go to Devices / Shared folders / Press the + button.

Shared folder settings in VirtualBox

Select the folder you want to share. This folder will be visible as a USB disk in the simulator.

NOTE: Don’t use a real USB disk. Just use a simple folder.

Creating a shared folder called ‘simUSB’ in VirtualBox

Step 2: Make the folder accessible by the simulator.

Open a terminal in the simulator. Enter the following commands.

NOTE: commands are case sensitive! Type exactly what is written here, including spaces and any special characters.

cd /media/ur sudo mkdir MYUSBDISK sudo chmod 777 MYUSBDISK sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 simUSB MYUSBDISK


Step 3: Make the new shared folder visible by Polyscope as a USB disk

Using the same terminal, enter the following commands, exactly as written here:

cd /home/ur/ursim-current/programs ln -s /media/ur/MYUSBDISK usbdisk0


The new folder is now ready to use.


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