How to submit a request or feedback

Request or bug report

  1. Log in to the support portal with your user, or create a new one by following this guide: .

  2. Press Pally URCap Support

  3. For best response quality and faster handling, please write a detailed report of what the issue is and how we can reproduce it. Please attach all relevant documents (backup files can be essential) and photos or videos.


  4. Please review the suggested articles and see if there is a solution to your problem.

  5. Once the request is submitted one of our support engineers will respond by either requesting more information or proposing a solution.

  6. You can see the status of your created request by going to your Requests in the portal.



  1. Press Give feedback on Pally URCap

  2. Please write a describing summary of the feedback.

  3. Please write a description of what your feedback is and what potential solutions you see.

  4. Attach all relevant files that may improve the handling of the feedback.