Pally Module - current limitations

This article is written for Pally Module for Doosan cobot


Workpiece weight

Do not use heavy boxes with this version. The function set_workpiece_weight is not implemented and the robot will most likely stop with protective stop when trying to lift heavy boxes.

Please also make sure the tool weight and TCP settings are correct. The program will not update these values.


Make sure TCP offset and tool weight is set before doing any calibration


A current workaround which is not properly tested, and has its clear limitation is to define tool presets.

Currently there are 5 different hard-coded tool names that should be added for this workaround.

Tool name


Tool name



< 3 kg


Between 3 and 8 kg


Between 8 and 13 kg


Between 13 and 18 kg


Above or equal to 18 kg

to use this you need to set the Pally variable set_weight_workaround to True

If your Global pally context variable is named Global_pally_context add a custom code command with

Global_pally_context.set_weight_workaround = True

before the runPally command in the Task Editor.