Programming Pally Module
This article is written for Pally Module for Doosan cobot
To make a palletizer program, you’ll need to open the Task Editor.
From the Pally Module you have two different nodes:
Init Pally (optional)
Get access to the Pally context (variables) and set up your callbacks
Run Pally (required)
Configure the maximum speed and acceleration for Pally
Init Pally program node
This node is optional. You can configure callbacks and get access to the Pally context via this node.
Define Pally context global variable
This is required in order to access the Pally variables.
Define a global variable for Pally and initialize it to 0. The examples here use Global_pally_context
Set up callbacks
Create your own subroutines that will be called at specific events during palletizing. Enter the name of each subroutine in the corresponding edit-box, or leave the edit box empty.
Currently the following events are available:
beforePallet: Before starting a new empty pallet.
beforeZone: Before entering a new zone.
onNextTask: Before starting all calculations for the next box(es)
beforeGrab: Before lifting up a box from the pickup position.
afterGrab: After lifting up a box from the pickup position.
beforeRelease: Before releasing a box on the target position.
afterRelease: After releasing a box on the target position.
afterZone: After leaving a completed zone.
onSheet: When a shim paper needs to be inserted.
afterPallet: After the pallet is complete.
Access the Pally context
The Init Pally program node will return a variable called Global_pally_context
which points to an object with configuration data inside the Pally module.
You can use Global_pally_context anywhere in the callback subroutines or below the Init Pally program node in the main program to change any Pally settings in runtime.
In all Pally callbacks you can get access to the following variables via Global_pally_context:
ProductName: name of the current pattern
ProductCount: actual number of boxes on the pallet
PalletNr: actual pallet (1: right, 2: left)
ZoneNr: actual zone
LayerNr: actual layer
LayerAlt: distance from empty pallet to current layer
LayerHeight: height of the current layer (box height or shim paper height)
Currently there are some (experimental) settings in the Pally context that can be changed. Parameters and their default values are shown below:
max_speed = 1300
max_acceleration = 1300
precise_speed = 200
precise_acceleration = 200
grip_delay = 0.2
grip_release_delay = 0.2
blend = 0.3
force_palletizing_mode = False
trace_program_callbacks = False
gui_ip = ""
set_workpiece_weight = False
gripper_weight = 2.6
gripper_cog = [0.0, -100.0, 50.0]
l1_sensors = [ [0, 1], [0, 2] ]
l2_sensors = []
pick_signals = [ [1, 1] ]
drop_signals = [ [1, 2] ]
vacuum_sensor = [1, 1]
Here is an expample on how to add callbacks