Other/Special variables

Other/Special variables





Go through the default waiting position before picking the next box

Default: False


Bitmask that selects one or more waypoints to be removed from the return path

Bit 0: remove box free

Bit 1: remove target position

Bit 2: use vertical exit path

Bit 3: remove approach point

Bit 4: remove everything after smart-exit point

Default: 7 (remove box free, remove target position, use vertical exit) 


Skip path planning calculations completely

Default: False


Blend radius in linear movements as a fraction of the distance between subsequent waypoints

Default: 0.3

Recommended values: 0 - 0.3


Workaround for a UR bug where the inverse kinematics calculations may throw an exception

Default: 0.01


The robot uses joint move (movej) to approach the pick position.

Use this option when experiencing "Joint position close to limits" due to wrist 3 winding up during palletizing.

Default: True


Threshold value for inserting idle instructions to avoid "Runtime is too much behind" and "Lost communication with controller" issues.

Default: 120 on E-series

Default: 100000 on CB-series

Has no effect on CB 3.0


Increment for the idle tick counter, variant 1

Default: 2 on E-series

Default: 1 on CB-series

Has no effect on CB 3.0


Increment for the idle tick counter, variant 2

Default: 4 on E-series

Default: 1 on CB-series

Has no effect on CB 3.0


Increment for the idle tick counter, variant 3

Default: 25 on E-series

Default: 20000 on CB-series

Has no effect on CB 3.0


Maximum allowed difference (in radians) between actual joint positions and target joint positions before operating the gripper.

Before picking and releasing, the robot has to stop completely, and the joint deviation error has to go below the threshold value given here.

Setting to 0 will disable joint deviation monitoring at this point.

Default: 0.0001 (in radians)


Maximum allowed difference (in radians) between actual joint positions and target joint positions while the gripper is being operated during pickup and release.

The program will override the default delays and proceed immediately if the joint deviation error exceeds the threshold given here.

Setting to 0 will disable joint deviation monitoring at this point.

Default: 0.0043 (in radians)


Maximum payload suitable for this robot (in kg.) incl. gripper

Derived from robot serial number.

(3, 5, 10, 12.5, 16, 20, 30 kg depending on the robot model)


Enable pattern verification and waypoint database.

Default: True.


Setting this parameter to False will deactivate the pattern verification module completely, including the popup.


Don’t forget to remove the script line and test your pattern completely at least once during the factory acceptance test, before the Active Plan expires.


Defines how the program should select the pattern(s) to be palletized.

Default: 0 (product selected by Operator on GUI)


String containing the pattern file name(s) when product selection strategy is set to “predefined”.



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