User extensions (callbacks)

It is possible to extend the functionality with user-defined commands, which are automatically executed when specific events occur.

Currently the following events are available:


  • The initial MoveJ node: Executed once on startup, after all configuration variables have been initialized. This allows runtime configuration changes and special tuning.

  • beforePallet: Before starting a new empty pallet.

  • beforeZone: Before entering a new zone.

  • onNextTask: Before starting all calculations for the next box(es)

  • beforeGrab: Before lifting up a box from the pickup position.

  • afterGrab: After lifting up a box from the pickup position.

  • beforeRelease: Before releasing a box on the target position.

  • afterRelease: After releasing a box on the target position.

  • afterZone: After leaving a completed zone.

  • onSheet: When a shim paper needs to be inserted.

  • afterPallet: After the pallet is complete.


Read more about the callbacks here.